Saturday, November 18, 2006

Kazhakhstani film

After buying more stuff at Macy's and at H & M, Svet took me to dinner at Philadelphia Cheesesteak Factory (good, but really messy) and then to the movie theatre there at Tyson's Corner to see Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan. Svet somehow managed to buy us two children's tickets on the ticket computer, and the ticket taker guy noticed it when we went in. Then we had to wait for some manager to come down so Svet could pay the price differential, which took forever.

The movie was very, very crude and absolutely outrageous. It was also shockingly hilarious. You know, I was at that Gay Pride parade in D.C. (I was closely scanning the screen to see if I'd been captured on film). And I've been in a fraternity (though not in South Carolina...our guys weren't fat slobs like that), I've been to yard sales, I've been to rodeos, I've been to Pentecostal church services, and I've even known Southern ladies who teach Gracious Living and who throw proper dinner parties....I don't see why all those people are suing.....I mean, their portrayals were really pretty accurate as to every day reality in the South. From the movie criticism standpoint, it went pretty well, but they didn't know how to bring it to a good conclusion. The story arc, as it were, was rather lacking. Consequently, I'm not going to be nominating it for any Oscars.

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