Sunday, September 18, 2005

Emmy "fashions"

Right now we're watching the Emmys. William Shatner and the famed opera singer Frederica von Stade just finished singing the Star Trek theme song, and I am.....speechless.

Fashions are kind of boring tonight. I continue to have strong feelings that tuxedos require black bow ties. The long black four-in-hand ties several stars are wearing (or white/silver (Brad Garrett), or purple (Hugh Jackman) or no tie, open collar (William H. Macy, who looked like a waiter who'd just gotten off work)) just do not have the fabulous look (or the formality) of the bow tie, and they always remind me of the characters in that Men in Black movie. Did you see how fabulously elegant Tom Brokaw and Dan Rather looked? Bow ties, guys. I don't care what the tasteless top designer du jour says or charges you, you want to wear a bow tie.

Many of the women are wearing absolutely hideous dresses tonight. Halle Berry looked fabulous (doesn't she always?), but she was the only one in a tight, form fitting dress who looks good tonight. The best dramatic actress winner, Patricia Arquette, has a great '40s style hairdo, but the dress is awful—Leo thinks she'll be on the worst-dressed lists tomorrow. And what was Whoopi thinking?? The really, really good look tonight seems to be the full, strapless, classic ball gown, such as the beautiful dresses worn by Patricia Heaton and Sela Ward (black) and Marcia Cross (emerald green).

Of course, as Ellen DeGeneres said during the show (whose comedy was rather flat, I thought), the big prize is the Oscar, so we'll just have to wait until Oscar season for some decent fashions.

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