Thursday, July 21, 2005

Closed captioning

Early this morning I was watching The Pretender on TNT, and the closed captioning just happened to be on. At the end of the show as it segued into "next week's adventure," there was Jarrod astride his faithful steed, resplendent in a bright red Mounties uniform, as "O, Canada!" swelled inspirationally in the background.

The caption gave the little music symbol and identified the music as "William Tell Overture" (think Lone Ranger theme song).

I didn't know Rossini was Canadian!

What are the ironies in a closed captioning service for the deaf not being able to hear the difference between "O, Canada" and the "William Tell Overture"? In fact, I've never really understood why the captioners attempt to identify the music. If it's a modern pop song, they'll indicate the lyrics, and I'm ok with that, but when the music is instrumental, do deaf people really care? Gallaudet University is here in D.C......I suppose I could track down a student and ask him or her if it matters if a sound track is "William Tell Overture" or Handel's Water Music. Can any of you enlighten me?

Meanwhile, my great dilemma for the day is whether or not to try to track down the captioning organization and point out their error!

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